Journey To Wellness Signature Course Class #9 There Are No Bad Foods
In our Journey to Wellness Signature Course, we continue with Class #9, There Are No Bad Foods Only Bad Diets. This is Part #3 of the four-part Weight Management Section. This class is at the heart of our entire program, how to eat right for life! We do not teach diets. We teach balance, consistency, and moderation.
We begin with a discussion on how the human body functions, since creation, regarding nutrition. The human body was not made to severely restrict the macronutrients or go on fad diets to try to lose weight.
We teach small, frequent, balanced meals and snacks, about every 3-4 hours. You will learn to balance your meals and snacks according to how foods affect blood sugar. Included in the discussion is planning meals from the food groups in proper portion sizes and how to create a balanced snack.
It is beneficial to learn a little bit about food labels, because we should be able to understand what we are putting into our bodies. The 10% Rule is simple and fun. Then we practice what we learned and plan three perfect, small, balanced meals.
No class would be complete without the change process using journalling to create new habits. You will walk away with everything required to enable you to eat right for life and decrease the risk for long-term complications of poor eating habits.
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