Journey To Wellness Signature Course Class #8 Eat For Hunger Not Emotion
In our Journey to Wellness Signature Course, we continue with Class #8, Eat For Hunger Not Emotion. This is Part #2 of the four-part Weight Management Section. Eating is one of the greatest pleasures in life, but sometimes we eat for the wrong reasons.
The class starts with a simple definition of emotional eating and explanation of the emotional eating cycle. Then we delve into the five most common emotions that trigger eating and how to manage them a bit better.
It is helpful to see a comparison of emotional hunger versus physical hunger for a stronger understanding. The focus is on eight traits of emotional hunger.
No class would be complete without the change process using journalling to create new habits. You will walk away with a basic knowledge of eating for emotion vs. hunger. This paves the way to learn to eat right for life and decrease the risk for long-term complications of poor eating habits.
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