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A Touch of Wellbeing
A Wellness Blog for Busy People

Journey To Wellness Signature Course Class #7 Why Can't I Lose Weight?

A pair of feet with polished toenails stands on a scale displaying the word "HELP!" humorously suggesting a weight dilemma.

In our Journey to Wellness Signature Course, we continue with Class #7, Why Can’t I Lose Weight?  This is Part #1 of the four-part Weight Management Section.  This class starts with the cost of obesity to our society and why it is such a widespread health issue.   


We educate you on specific metabolic messages the body sends to the brain that interfere with weight loss.  They have to do with skipping meals and the type, size and time of meals.  Then we learn how to change those messages.


Next is an understanding of metabolic rate and the multitude of things that affect metabolism.  You learn how to kickstart metabolism, natural vs. forced weight loss, and what it takes to lose 1# per week.  Additional topics are reasonable weight loss goals, motivation, and getting started.


No class would be complete without the change process using journalling to create new habits.  You will walk away with some basic knowledge of obesity, what it takes to lose weight and decrease risk for the long-term complications of obesity.


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